Assessments and Surveys for the Fleet
The Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV), Virginia Beach, Virginia, is an independent activity established under Title 10, under direction of a president, with direct reporting requirements to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and the Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (CUSFFC). The Board of Inspection and Survey conducts acceptance trials of ships and service craft for the purpose of determining the quality of construction, compliance with specifications and Navy requirements, to determine if builder responsible equipment is operating satisfactorily during the guarantee period following acceptance and to make recommendations upon their acceptance by the Navy.
They conduct material inspections of all naval ships at least once every three years if practical, for the purpose of determining and reporting upon a ship's fitness for further service and material conditions which limits its ability to carry out assignment missions. The Board conducts surveys when directed by the CNO, for the purpose of determining and documenting the material condition of the ship in conjunction with their inactivation. They periodically ascertain and report of the material condition and performance capabilities or limitations, the status of fleet operations safety and health and on the status of fleet environmental protection program compliance.
In addition, the Board compiles statistical information regarding recurring or significant acquisition or maintenance deficiencies for the ships, reviews specifications for new ship designs, reporting the results to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), CNO, fleet commanders, system commands (SYSCOMs), and higher authorities such information as they may require. They conduct other inspections and trials of ships and service craft as directed by the CNO and CUSFFC, while performing other functions as may be assigned by higher authority.
Based on observations during INSURV assessments, the Board provides timely, candid, and accurate findings to fleet commanders, type commands (TYCOMs), SYSCOMs, and appropriate SECNAV and office of the CNO, (OPNAV) offices, and higher authority, together with recommended actions where appropriate.